Another Adobe Illustrator offset path tutorial, but today I will show you a neat trick that will save you time and headaches, when using text in Illustrator.
Todays tutorial is based around a trick when applying the offset function to text within Illustrator, and there are actually 2 different methods that I show you in todays tutorial. It’s a short but sweet video, and you will for sure learn something today about the offset function, and how it can be used. You all seemed to really like the first offset path video that I showed you, and so I have followed that one up with another tutorial based around the offset function in Adobe Illustrator. If you’d like to see more tutorials like todays upload, do let me know and I will be sure to make more in the coming days or weeks!
Todays tutorial is based around a trick when applying the offset function to text within Illustrator, and there are actually 2 different methods that I show you in todays tutorial. It’s a short but sweet video, and you will for sure learn something today about the offset function, and how it can be used. You all seemed to really like the first offset path video that I showed you, and so I have followed that one up with another tutorial based around the offset function in Adobe Illustrator. If you’d like to see more tutorials like todays upload, do let me know and I will be sure to make more in the coming days or weeks!