5 TIPS to avoid INJURIES doing CALISTHENICS (+FREE tutorial)

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Master The Basics

If you want to see more about my trainings and everyday life than check out my instagram:


So I know I have been away for a while but I have been busy with my training. I have some INCREDIBLE announcements that I’ll be making in the coming days and weeks that has been under work for a long time...

but before all of that I want to really say thank you! Thank you for all the support through the years. I’ve been at it for more than 10 years now, I teach people daily from all over the world in calisthenics and you’ve followed along some of the way. So I want to give you something in return as a thank you, to show you my appreciation for all of the support on my social media during the years.

I am asked daily to review people's training programs and I would LOVE to help each and every one of you, but I simply can’t, I don’t have the time, I train and coach people I train myself daily and I do this professionally I need to make a living.

But I also see that most training programs that are out there are absolute SHIT. People show me their programs and most people I see are going about it in the wrong way, either they are trying to invent the wheel all over again or they simply lack the knowledge and information to setup their training programs in the right way, with the right exercises, sets, reps , rest pauses.

I understand that it’s difficult to find a good training program that’s REALLY worth your while because of all the so called ‘calisthenics and street workout’ information out there that misguides you and there isn’t really one place that shows you in depth, how to start and launch or improve your training in the right way by using a specific framework.

Because of this, I have decided to put out an absolutely GAME CHANGING tutorial out for you here. And I want to say right of the bat guys, It’s completely free and there is no catch. It’s simply just a thank you for giving me love.

It’s an upper body training tutorial to master the Basics of calisthenics.

Had I had this when started out I would be levitating by now =D
It cuts down your learning curve and time otherwise wasted on doing the wrong stuff.

It’s a complete step by step training series, with more than 15 training routines and more than 30 videos in total setup on a free membership area… it includes, flexibility and warm up drills, exercise progressions, explanations, sets and reps and so much more. There are three levels... of difficulty, I’ve created a beginner level, advanced level and expert level. I don’t care, unless you are a super master you will learn here and progress - but there are also routines for the masters that will expose your weak points and make you better!

I used to charge over $250 for this… but about a year ago when I launched this program on my website I promised you guys, by talking with many of you through my comments and getting some feedback that this is something that lacks out here for free and it Sucks that nobody has setup something like this for free and I made a mental note about that, and I promised that I would make this tutorial available some day, for free for everyone to watch.

And that someday is today, I am a man of my word I keep my promises. It is here finally, for the community to enjoy.

So now If you want to build a solid foundation, solid strength a solid upper body, this is it.

Now Usually when you give something away for free people tend not to appreciate it as much - you don’t want to make that mistake and miss out on this. Get started now! TODAY! No matter your experience. Make use of it because you have absolutely NO EXCUSES now.

I am very excited to be able to make this contribution to the calisthenics community and for people who want to start training. There are so many hours put into creating this tutorial. In Filming, editing, research and planning it so that I could capture it on video the right way. It was expensive to make and it’s just so damn good - yeah it’s here now, use it if you like.

Thank you for standing by me all of this time and please enjoy this gift. So much more exciting announcements coming soon I will be more present here in the near future.

If anyone wants to Donate:

Donate link (you can donate using your card to my paypal)

Paypal.me link: (you can transfer from your Paypal directly)
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