Ferris. Twirl. Buck Shot by Dave Buck ● CARDISTRY TUTORIAL

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'Twirly fidgety thingies' from Cardistry-Con 2018! Jokes aside, this combo of three card flourishes impressed us so much that we couldn't miss out on an opportunity to film a short cardistry tutorial with the legendary Dave Buck. We're honoured!

If you like to fidget with your cards, then these three one card flourishes might easily become your favourite. Ferris. Twirl. Buck Shot combo looks professional, but is easy to master even if you're a beginner. Grab a deck (preferably) of Poop Emoji Cards (https://www.instagram.com/poopemojicards/) and learn now!

0:46 What you're about to learn
1:01 Ferris flourish tutorial (one card flourish published on D&D YouTube channel in 2014)
2:16 The second twirl/flip from the combo tutorial
3:51 Buck Shot tutorial (a card throw/shot, published in Dan and Dave's 'Card Men' book in 2014)
5:13 Combining all three fidget moves with one card in a single routine
5:49 Slow motion overview of Ferris into Twirl into Buck Shot

Cardistry-Con is an annual interactive conference, where skillful participants from around the globe try to push the boundaries of what can be done with a deck of cards. Follow the action from #cardistrycon in #hongkong on Instagram or visit the site http://www.cardistry-con.org/ to learn more about this, past and future events featuring some of the best cardists alive. Watch our all Cardistry-Con 2018 videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgrWfScXg_wCNuqkIhQBWsF2kHhHZLqat

Support us by purchasing our products, cardistry & magic tutorials and clothing: https://decemberboys.com.ua/en/shop/?brand=decemberboys

The best way to get a response from us is to leave a comment within the first few hours of the upload. That's the time we're most active.

Watch more cardistry and deck reviews from December Boys: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgrWfScXg_wDV_23uKIkOXiABRw8r4F0X
Learn how to shuffle playing cards like a pro, master poker tricks, card flourishes and #cardistry (free tutorials): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgrWfScXg_wDbMjZXfq6Gqj57pl3c00VL

Instrumental produced by Chuki - http://www.youtube.com/user/CHUKImusic


Обучение трем флоришам с одной картой от Дэйва Бака. Снято во время Кардистри-Кона 2018 в Гонконге.

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Смотрите больше кардистри и обзоров колод от December Boys: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgrWfScXg_wDV_23uKIkOXiABRw8r4F0X
Научиться тасовать карты, бесплатные обучения покерным трюкам, карточным флоришам и кардистри: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgrWfScXg_wDbMjZXfq6Gqj57pl3c00VL


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