Hacking Training Tutorial Cyberpunk 2077 Practice Makes Perfect tutorial mission quest video. This video shows how to complete Hacking Training Cyberpunk 2077 Practice Makes Perfect mission.
Complete all training modules 1/4
Open the Scanner
Scan two such objects
Use the TV screen to distract your enemy
Hacking Ping
Hacking Distract enemy
Elimitate the guard
hide the body
take down the guard and hide the body
take control of the camera
Use Breach protocol on one of the guards
Lethal quickhacks Detonate grenade
Cyberpunk 2077 is a 2020 action role-playing video game developed and published by CD Projekt and available on PlayStation 5, Stadia, Windows, Xbox Series X/S. #Cyberpunk2077
Complete all training modules 1/4
Open the Scanner
Scan two such objects
Use the TV screen to distract your enemy
Hacking Ping
Hacking Distract enemy
Elimitate the guard
hide the body
take down the guard and hide the body
take control of the camera
Use Breach protocol on one of the guards
Lethal quickhacks Detonate grenade
Cyberpunk 2077 is a 2020 action role-playing video game developed and published by CD Projekt and available on PlayStation 5, Stadia, Windows, Xbox Series X/S. #Cyberpunk2077