Learn more about HOI4 Man The Guns: https://pdxint.at/2OCKAmL
Man the Guns is a new naval themed expansion that brings you closer to the swelling waves as you train and command large battle fleets or smaller flotillas better designed for your coastal shoals.
From the Battle of the Atlantic and convoy escorts in the west, to the island hopping and carrier battles in the east, the course of World War II was shaped by fighting on the seas. Men and women filled the dockyards of the world, making the mighty warships that would prove decisive in humankind’s greatest crisis.
Check out Hearts of Iron on ParadoxPlaza: http://pdxint.at/2Hjo4I9
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Man the Guns is a new naval themed expansion that brings you closer to the swelling waves as you train and command large battle fleets or smaller flotillas better designed for your coastal shoals.
From the Battle of the Atlantic and convoy escorts in the west, to the island hopping and carrier battles in the east, the course of World War II was shaped by fighting on the seas. Men and women filled the dockyards of the world, making the mighty warships that would prove decisive in humankind’s greatest crisis.
Check out Hearts of Iron on ParadoxPlaza: http://pdxint.at/2Hjo4I9
Follow Hearts of Iron on social media:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Heartsofiron/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/HOI_Game
Paradox on YouTube:
ParadoxInteractive - http://youtube.com/ParadoxInteractive
Trailers, Feature Breakdowns, Dev Diaries, and more.
ParadoxExtra - http://youtube.com/ParadoxExtra
Gameplay of our video games, convention coverage, and other fun things from Paradox!
Paradox Grand Strategy - http://youtube.com/ParadoxGrandStrategy
Gameplay of our Grand Strategy Games. CK2, EU4, HOI4, Stellaris, and more?