Episode three of the legendary Pokémon birds repaint serie. In this video we are going to make the bird of fire Moltres! I used a Monster High Luna Mothews doll to make this custom repaint.
Lets begin!!
You can find DollMotion also on:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/dollmotiondolls
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Pastels: Schmincke
Acrylic paint: Model color Vallejo
Pan Pastels
Mr. Super Clear
Liquitex High Gloss Varnish
Apoxie sculpt
Lets begin!!
You can find DollMotion also on:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/dollmotiondolls
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dollymotion/
Pastels: Schmincke
Acrylic paint: Model color Vallejo
Pan Pastels
Mr. Super Clear
Liquitex High Gloss Varnish
Apoxie sculpt