Zerodha Trading Tutorial 2020 - Zerodha Kite Demo (हिंदी में)

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Zerodha Trading Tutorial & Zerodha Kite Demo explained in Hindi LIVE. Open Demat Account in Zerodha ✔ . Then lets learn how to buy and sell shares in Zerodha Kite App step by step.

To open Zerodha Demat & Trading Account Online in 10 mins, follow this video:

Zerodha has introduced new features like GTT (Good Till Trigerred) and changed the interface of Kite. In this Zerodha Kite Demo video, we have showcased buying and selling of shares in Intraday Trading using MIS (Margin Intraday Squareoff) feature and how to buy and sell shares in Zerodha Kite App using CNC (Cash and Carry) option.

We will briefly discuss intraday trading strategies for beginners while explaining the types of orders in Zerodha - Market Order, Limit Order, Stop Loss Order (SL), Stop Loss Market Order (SLM), Cover Order (CO), Bracket Order (BO), After Market Order (AMO), Day Order and Immediate or Cancelled Order (IOC) in Zerodha Kite App.

On delivery side, we will see latest Zerodha GTT orders in detail which will be very useful for investors who do fundamental analysis. This will be a good video for a beginner in Share and Stock Market in India.
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Zerodha ने GTT (Good Till Trigerred) जैसी नई सुविधाओं को पेश किया है और पतंग के इंटरफेस को बदल दिया है। इस Zerodha Kite डेमो वीडियो में, हमने MIS (मार्जिन इंट्राडे स्क्वायरऑफ) फीचर का उपयोग करके इंट्राडे ट्रेडिंग में शेयरों की खरीद और बिक्री को दिखाया है और सीएनसी (कैश एंड कैरी) विकल्प का उपयोग करते हुए Zerodha Kite ऐप में शेयर कैसे खरीदे और बेचे हैं।

हम ज़ेरोधा में ऑर्डर के प्रकारों के बारे में संक्षिप्त रूप से इंट्राडे ट्रेडिंग रणनीतियों पर चर्चा करेंगे - मार्केट ऑर्डर, लिमिट ऑर्डर, स्टॉप लॉस ऑर्डर (SL), स्टॉप लॉस मार्केट ऑर्डर (SLM), कवर ऑर्डर (CO), ब्रैकेट ऑर्डर (BO) , आफ्टर मार्केट ऑर्डर (एएमओ), डे ऑर्डर और इमीडिएट या कैंसिल्ड ऑर्डर (आईओसी) जेरोदा काइट ऐप में।

डिलीवरी की ओर, हम विस्तार से नवीनतम जीरोधा जीटीटी आदेश देखेंगे जो उन निवेशकों के लिए बहुत उपयोगी होंगे जो मौलिक विश्लेषण करते हैं। यह भारत में शेयर और स्टॉक मार्केट में एक शुरुआत के लिए एक अच्छा वीडियो होगा।

In this video, I have explained:

1. How to buy or sell shares with Zerodha ?
2. What is Zerodha Kite app?
3.How can you operate Zerodha Kite app?
4.How can we add or delete any stock in our watchlist in Zerodha Kite app?.
5.Types of orders in Zerodha
6.What are the Pending orders?
7.What are the Executed orders?
8.What are the GTT (Good Till Triggered) orders in Zerodha?
9. How to use GTT (Good Till Triggered) order?
10.Can we invest in Mutual funds through Zerodha?
11. Where we can check our positions in Kite application?
12.How to add funds in Zerodha trading account?
13.What is Market Depth?
14. What is liquidity and volatility?
15. Where we can get technical charts or fundamental charts in Zerodha Kite app?
16. What is CNC (Cash in Carry)?
17.What is MIS (Margin Intraday Square off) in Zerodha?
18. What is Market Order?
19. What is limit Order in Zerodha?
20. What is SL(Stoploss) in Zerodha and why it is important?
21. What is BO (Bracket Order) in Zerodha?
22. What is CO (Cover Order) in Zerodha?
23. What is Trailing Stoploss in Zerodha Kite?
24. What is AMO (After Market Order)?
25. What is Day Order and IOC(Immediate or Cancel Order)?

Zerodha is a good platform for Indian investors. And cheap brokerage for trading in stocks, future, options, curren
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