5 Best Ways to Shuffle Playing Cards: Beginner to Pro ● CARDISTRY TUTORIAL

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Wanted to learn how to shuffle playing cards like a pro? Are you a beginner? We got you, fam!

For this video we selected top 5 best and the most popular ways to shuffle playing cards. Not all of them might be equally easy, effective or perfect, but arguably any poker or UNO player should know and master them. Let alone a cardist or a magician.

Learn these five basic shuffles and become an expert at the card table (or pretty much everywhere else, as these shuffles are done in your hands and do not require any surface). Tips and tricks, as well as interesting facts about #shufflecards are included throughout the video. Did you know it takes only 7 Riffle Shuffles and about 10,000 (!) Overhand Shuffles to randomize the order of the deck? Neither did we.

2:21 Overhand Shuffle. Easy and basic method to shuffle playing cards, that you most likely already can do
4:39 Hindu Shuffle. Hey India, do you really shuffle cards this way? Weird
7:34 Riffle Shuffle. The holy grail of card shuffles. The best card trick ever. *Insert a thing that laymen say when they see it for the first time*. This is probably the best way to shuffle a deck of cards. And the best thing - it can be done in the hands without a table
13:14 Faro Shuffle. The most precise shuffle out there with an oddly satisfying bridge at the end. A perfect shuffle, if done properly. And has a few applications in card magic. We might teach a neat trick with this shuffle in one of our future videos
19:39 One-Handed Shuffle. The most difficult way to shuffle a pack of cards and the most impressive one. Smash like to unlock the tutorial! We're waiting!

Watch another cool video with one-handed card flourishes for beginners: https://youtu.be/-GjS3221VHA

Cards used in the video: Jerry's Nugget playing cards.
Learn more about these: https://youtu.be/McItyJwFgJ4
Buy Jerry's Nugget cards: https://decemberboys.com.ua/en/shop/jerrys-nugget/

Tutorial by Alex Melnik.
Camera work by Vitaly Chaban.
Follow Vitaly: https://www.instagram.com/vitalychaban/
Subscribe to his gaming channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClTjMU2vrDF7JYhehMHzuug

Check out an awesome video on the best and the worst ways to shuffle cards from Numberphile (Persi Diaconis): https://youtu.be/AxJubaijQbI

Support us by purchasing our products, cardistry & magic tutorials and clothing: https://decemberboys.com.ua/en/shop/?brand=decemberboys

The best way to get a response from us is to leave a comment within the first few hours of the upload. That's the time we're most active.

Watch more cardistry and deck reviews from December Boys: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgrWfScXg_wDV_23uKIkOXiABRw8r4F0X
Learn how to shuffle playing cards like a pro, master poker tricks, card flourishes and #cardistry (free tutorials): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgrWfScXg_wDbMjZXfq6Gqj57pl3c00VL

Instrumental produced by Chuki - http://www.youtube.com/user/CHUKImusic


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