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Learn quick how to spring playing cards! Here's an update to our spring flourish tutorial that we initially published on our site back in 2011. Here we're explaining five unique variations to do a card spring with regular deck of cards. From beginner level to advanced and expert, surely both magicians and cardists will find this video featuring multiple slow motion and over the shoulder views useful.

0:38 introduction
2:49 classic spring
5:08 deep grip spring (the way it's taught in the Trilogy)
6:20 horizontal spring (laymen always complement when they see one)
6:46 upside-down spring (as taught in the Encyclopedia of Card Flourishes)
8:11 thin spring (invented by Dan and Dave Buck/Ricky Smith)
10:05 sonic/overhead spring (as popularized by Jerry Cestkowski and Andrei Jikh)

Get access to more unique cardistry tutorials with the purchase of Z Deck, our first playing cards.
Available now on Art of Play: https://www.artofplay.com/collections/playing-cards/products/zdeck
And in our shop: https://decemberboys.com.ua/en/shop/zdeck/
Limited edition. Printed by the USPCC.

Z Deck is 52 playing cards featuring custom artwork + 4 ((green cards)). They will change the way you film and edit cardistry videos, allowing you to completely alter the look of the cards while in motion. Change colours in real time, use stock video, optical illusions footage, photos of your pets OR ANYTHING YOU WANT to animate the cards in your hands.

Buy #zdeck and check out the link on the box to learn chroma keying on mobile and PC, so that you'll be able to create crazy card visuals in seconds.

Support us by purchasing our products, cardistry & magic tutorials and clothing: https://decemberboys.com.ua/en/shop

The best way to get a response from us is to leave a comment within the first few hours of the upload. That's the time we're most active.

Watch more cardistry and deck reviews from December Boys: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgrWfScXg_wDV_23uKIkOXiABRw8r4F0X
Learn how to shuffle playing cards like a pro, master poker tricks, card flourishes and #cardistry (free tutorials): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgrWfScXg_wDbMjZXfq6Gqj57pl3c00VL

Instrumental produced by Chuki - http://www.youtube.com/user/CHUKImusic


Обучение пружинке с игральными картами.

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Вы с большей вероятностью получите от нас ответ, если оставите ваш комментарий в течение первых часов после публикации видео. Это время, когда мы наиболее активны.

Смотрите больше кардистри и обзоров колод от #decemberboysUA: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgrWfScXg_wDV_23uKIkOXiABRw8r4F0X
Научиться тасовать карты, бесплатные обучения покерным трюкам, карточным флоришам и кардистри: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgrWfScXg_wDbMjZXfq6Gqj57pl3c00VL


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