Emissions are a new feature in Transport Fever 2. They can determine whether a town is going to grow or now. They are also tied in very closely with maintenance. Here's how that works.
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Transport Fever 2 Tutorials Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlSUA5AyYAof3Pb9XHJOA_1ATbj04t64a
This video is not intended for children.
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Colonel Brendryen
Lt Colonel Elfwyn
Major Moleeman
Major Duck
Major Sinan
Major Carbohydrate
Major Weber
Major Chung
Major Metzger
Captain Morscher
Captain Martinez
Captain Ionut
Captain Meyer
Captain Jack
Captain Tam
Captain Pulliam
Captain Iceman
Want to help me out? Order the game through my Humble Bundle link: https://www.humblebundle.com/store?partner=stealth17gaming.
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Transport Fever 2 Tutorials Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlSUA5AyYAof3Pb9XHJOA_1ATbj04t64a
This video is not intended for children.
Gain monthly perks by supporting me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/stealth17gaming
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Send in your Wargame replays: http://www.stealth17gaming.com/send-me-your-wargame-replays/
Patreon Supports
Colonel Brendryen
Lt Colonel Elfwyn
Major Moleeman
Major Duck
Major Sinan
Major Carbohydrate
Major Weber
Major Chung
Major Metzger
Captain Morscher
Captain Martinez
Captain Ionut
Captain Meyer
Captain Jack
Captain Tam
Captain Pulliam
Captain Iceman